Our Platform
Pledge + Play offers multiple programs and opportunities for
individuals and groups to engage with and make a difference.
Individuals (from kids to adults) have the ability to participate in their own games, events or activities, and pledge towards the charities and causes they care about. Individuals can participate in all three platforms; Sports, Athletics + Adventure, and Music.
Several group types have the ability to use our platform to come together to make a big impact for the charity or cause they are supporting.
– Walkathons
– “Play-a-thons”
– “Go” Golf Outings
– “Stadium Pledge”
– School Fundraising
– Concerts/Performances
As walkathons (5k/10K) are among the most popular athletic fundraising events, Pledge + Play offers a new and interactive take on the popular tradition. Through our easy to use smart phone app, participants can make their donations, and even challenge themselves to stretch their give dependent on how they finish their walk (or race).
Pledge + Play’s “Play-a-thons” are a lot like walkathons, but are so much more! Instead of walking or running for a charity or cause, imagine being able to participate in several other sports or activities to support a cause. Here are a few examples:
1) When donor participants are unable to participate “in person” at a scheduled run or walk event, they can instead partake in a “Play-a-thon”, where remotely they can participate in their own activity (or sport) of choice, and give back to that particular cause or charity.
2) “Play-a-thons” can be set up by organizers to become “virtual” events, where once a year (or multiple times a year), administrators or organizers can easily create additional opportunities to raise needed funds for their cause or charity.
"GO!" Golf Outings
Golf outings have always been great opportunities for people to come together to support a cause. Pledge + Play offers a fun and simple way for golf outing organizers to fundraise using our interactive platform. As participants are gearing up to hit the links on the day of the event, players can easily set up the amounts they desire to pledge per golf achievement prior to their round. As players have fun using and engaging with Pledge + Play, organizers will enjoy the ease and convenience of using our platform to raise funds for their cause.
"Stadium Pledges"
When several hundred (or several thousand) fans or spectators get together to watch a sporting event, they can do so for a purpose! For example, let’s say a minor league baseball team supports a local YMCA. The organization using Pledge + Play’s “Stadium Pledge” platform, can invite its fans in on the giving! Before a game, fans in the stands can pledge per achievements reached within the game. ((ex) hits, double plays, homeruns, etc.) . By creating this interactive “crowdfunding” experience, crowds will become more engaged and excited for how their team performs in the game. It is our hope to eventually have the ability to track the progression of the fundraiser live, so the spectators can celebrate together as the pledges increase, and goals are met.
School Athletic &
Music Fundraising
Schools that have both athletic and music departments will be able to benefit from Pledge + Play’s 2: 1 fundraising platform. As schools are always looking to find fun and innovative ways to fundraise for both their athletic and music departments, Pledge +Play offers a simple, single platform of which allows both departments an opportunity to raise needed funds. Schools that are already utilizing other fundraising organizations and platforms, can easily utilize Pledge +Play’s platform at no charge, acting as a supplemental tool to increase fundraising efforts. By offering a one stop platform for students, families and administrators, Pledge + Play truly offers the easiest and most fun application for school fundraising anywhere.
Private musical and instrumental performances will be able to easily utilize our platform. No matter the size of the show or performance, organizers can easily setup the fundraiser on the Pledge +Play app. Once setup, the audience members can be made known of the nights cause, and can simply enter in the code for the event, and be taken to the cause’s page where they can make a donation, make a comment, and see the nights overall donation goal.
“Be passionate about the possibilities.”